Philips LED TV - Benefits of LED Technology

When televisions like the Phillips LED TV began to become popular, there were not many options for people who wanted to buy one. The Phillips LED TV was the first television to use a backlighting system. This was a technology that was unheard of at the time and it marked the beginning of something very good. While the Phillips LED TV had a great design and many advantages it also came with one major disadvantage. That was limited life span.
In order for the Philips LED TV to work you had to have a backlighting system in place that worked with the tubes that the TV was made up of. In order for the lights to stay on for an extended period of time the tube had to be filled with tungsten. The tungsten needed to be replaced on a regular basis so that the life expectancy of the LED light was maintained. This meant that the owner of the Philips LED TV had to have a steady source of supply of tungsten and they had to do this each time the lights went on. While it was possible to over power the TV with the lights the life span would be short and the bulb would need to be replaced.
Since the invention of LCD televisions the way that television lighting is constructed has changed drastically. Now in order for a television to be lit there are two different types of lighting systems in place. One of these methods of lighting is what is called ambient light. This is lighting that is around the person watching the television and the other is what is known as task lighting.
With a traditional cathode ray tube television the light that comes into the screen is all directed towards the television set itself. This means that every little detail of the picture is being shown including everything that is small like the fine lines of the movie screen. Because of this large amount of detail the light that comes into the television can cause the picture to look distorted. While a cathode ray tube can look great, it is also extremely wasteful and causes a lot of electrical power to be used.
With an LED TV lighting system the light is not directed towards the television at all. Instead the light that hits the screen is emitted by little tubes that are embedded in the screen. These tiny tubes can be seen to have very small amounts of mercury gas in them. What happens when the LED lamps heat up is that a chemical reaction occurs and converts the mercury to gas. This gas is very efficient in converting energy and the electricity that the LED lamps produce is then stored instead of being wasted.
The efficiency of LED lights has made them the most cost effective form of lighting for television sets. LED light bulbs also use a lot less energy than the normal incandescent light bulbs. While incandescents will need to be replaced every few years, the LED lamps will last much longer. This means that your Philips and other LED televisions will last much longer than normal television televisions.
Another benefit to having LED lighting is that it is completely safe to use. Unlike incandescent light bulbs, the heat from LED lamps does not give off any harmful gases or vapors. You won't need to worry about having to worry about using any safety accessories when you have a Philips LED TV. They are completely safe to use and will give you years of entertainment enjoyment.
These are just some of the benefits that you get from using LED lighting in your house. If you want to have some of these advantages, then Philips should be your first choice. They offer a lot of different models and sizes of LED TVs so you should easily be able to find the right size display for your home. You can choose from many different colors and light sources as well. Make sure to do your research so that you pick the right one for your home and then you will be all set to enjoy the benefits of LED technology.